Dear Edmund,

Why are you going with the White Witch dont you think it is bad to be around her. I think you are making a big mistake by going with her because she has done alot of bad things to the people in Narnia. I think you should stop going with her and go with your sister Lucy. You should be with the people that will take care of you not hurt you. The White Witch is only useing you she just wants to get rid of you. Cant you tell that the witch is using you when she is giveing you food she wants you to be on her sid so that she can be unstopable. I think you should go and tell the others that Lucy isnt liying to them that she is telling the truth and that they should go see for them selves that lucy isnt lying to them. That would be the right thing to do dont you think so. Think about it what would be the right thing to do.
Sincerely, Carlos Paez
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